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My artistic journey…

Previous artworks - A Portfolio of Soulful Creativity

Journey through a curated selection of paintings woven with story, emotions, and pieces of my soul.

  • Not much time left abstract painting

    Not Much Time Left

    24" x 24" | 2021 | NFS

  • Time Will Tell abstract painting

    Time Will Tell

    20" x 20" | 2021 | DONATED

Breaking the Cycle

Breaking the Cycle | Abstract Art | 20" x 20"

My inspiration comes from Brené Brown’s "Manifesto of the Brave and Brokenhearted"

There is no greater threat to the critics and cynics and fear mongers than those of us who are willing to fall because we have learned how to rise.

With skinned knees and bruised hearts; We choose owning our stories of struggle, Over hiding, over hustling, over pretending.

When we deny our stories, they define us.

When we run from struggle, we are never free. So we turn toward truth and look it in the eye.

We will not be characters in our stories. Not villains, not victims, not even heroes.

We are the authors of our lives. We write our own daring endings.

We craft love from heartbreak, Compassion from shame, Grace from disappointment, Courage from failure.

Showing up is our power.

Story is our way home. Truth is our song. We are the brave and brokenhearted.

We are rising strong.

20" x 20" | 2022 | NFS

  • Where is home abstract paintings

    Where is Home

    36" x 36" | 2021 | SOLD

  • My time is now abstract painting

    My Time is Now

    30" x 40" | 2022 | SOLD

    Value your time. It is all you have. Sometimes we take it for granted and think we have all the time in the world. Your time right now is ALL you have.

    Cherish each moment, because it will never come again. Use it, because lost time is never found again.

    "One day you will wake up and there won't be any more time to do the things you always wanted. Do it now."      


  • Your art beautifully reflects the different multi-faceted layers of your heart, and your heart speaks a voice that resonates on many levels. Bravo!


Let's Meet Here | Abstract Art | 36" x 48"


"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about."


"Let's Meet Here" was deeply inspired by Rumi's quote, but more so by a personal experience that feels hard to share.

Loss and grief hurts and nothing or no one can take that away from me.

I haven't heard your voices in years, but my heart has conversations with you every single day... There is an emptiness in my heart that will never go away, but I am immensely grateful for all the countless and wonderful memories that I have of you and I will cherish these forever. And deep down inside there is a 'knowing', a 'whispering of truth' that one day we WILL meet again. I carry this hope with me. It is my silent voice that tells me there is more that we can see right now...

36" x 48" | 2022 | NFS

  • Rendezvous at 4 abstract paintings

    Rendezvous at 4

    30" x 48” | 2022 | NFS

  • Reaching for New Dreams abstract painting

    Reaching for New Dreams

    24" x 24" | 2020 | SOLD

    “Within our reach lies every path we ever dream of taking. Within ourselves lies everything we ever dream of being”.


34 and Maybe More | Abstract Art | 48" x 36"


My husband and I met over 6 years ago, and under very interesting circumstances. It was fate that our paths even crossed. From the very beginning, as we got to know each other, it seemed 'somehow very clear' for both of us that we would live a long life together, and we envisioned that we would always walk hand-in-hand when we are in our nineties....

"In this world, there is always one person waiting for another, be it in the middle of the desert or in the heart of some big city. And when these two people’s paths cross and their eyes meet, the whole of the past and the whole of the future lose all importance, and the only thing that exists is that moment and that incredible certainty that everything under the sun was written by the very same hand. The hand that awakens love and creates a twin soul for everyone who works, rests, and seeks treasures under the sun. Without this, our dreams would make no sense.”


48" x 36" | 2022 | NFS

  • Because of You abstract paintings

    Because of You

    30" x 48” | 2021 | SOLD

  • Give and Take

    Give and Take

    24” x 40” | 2022 | SOLD

    Inspired by the idea of generously giving and supporting without expecting anything in return.

    "All compromise is based on give and take, but there can be no give and take on fundamentals. Any compromise on mere fundamentals is a surrender. For it is all give and no take."



"I want to be in the arena. I want to be brave with my life. And when we make the choice to dare greatly, we sign up to get our asses kicked. We can choose courage, or we can choose comfort, but we can't have both. Not at the same time."

Brene Brown

  • Choices we make abstract paintings

    Choices We Make 1

    12" x 12” | 2020 | SOLD

  • Choices we make

    Choices We Make 3

    12” x 12” | 2020 | SOLD

  • abstract paintings

    Against All Odds

    20" x 16” | 2021 | DONATED

  • Abstract Painting

    If You Knew My Story

    30” x 24” | 2021 | DONATED

“If You Knew My Story” and “Against All Odds” are a narrative of the many moments in one’s life.

What if you really knew me…

with all the dark parts of my life… my bleakest, lowest moments that I worked so hard to conceal, and sometimes hoped to forget?

It’s mentally exhausting, this guarding of our stories and our struggles. It’s about stepping out of our shame and turning all our vulnerabilities into transparency. Trying to see our fears and failures not as weaknesses and obstacles, but as opportunities and gateways that can lead us to new possibilities and new beginnings….against all odds!

My past has not defined me or defeated me. It has only strengthened me and given me more resilience. Embracing uncertainty is one of the hardest things to do, but it is then when almost anything is possible.

Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving; we simply get stronger and learn to live with all our scars.

  • Claudia's brush strokes express emotions that connect you to windows of her inner life. If you immerse yourself in her art, you will discover something new as it resonates with your own journey in life.

    DENE R.

  • Summer Walk abstract painting

    Summer Walk

    12" x 24" | 2021 | SOLD

  • Summer in the City abstract painting

    Summer in the City

    24" x " | 24 | 2022 | SOLD

  • Moments of magic 1 abstract painting

    Moments of Magic 1

    12.5" x 12.5" | 2021 | SOLD

  • Moments of Magic 2 abstract painting

    Moments of Magic 2

    12.5" x 12.5" | 2021 | SOLD

  • Moments of Magic 3 Abstract painting

    Moments of Magic 3

    12.5" x 12.5" | 2021 | SOLD

  • Moments of Magic 4 abstract painting

    Moments of Magic 4

    12.5" x 12.5" | 2021 | SOLD

Zest for life

  • abstract paintings

    Zest for Life 1

    22.5" x 22.5” | 2021 | NFS

  • Abstract Painting

    Zest for Life 2

    22.5" x 22.5” | 2021 | NFS

on the other side

  • abstract paintings

    On the Other Side 1

    12.5" x 12.5" | 2021 | SOLD

  • Abstract Painting

    On the Other Side 2

    12.5" x 12.5" | 2021 | SOLD


  • abstract paintings

    Thriving 1

    12" x 12" | 2021 | SOLD

  • Abstract Painting

    Thriving 2

    12” x 12" | 2021 | SOLD

  • Love the use of colours and the finer details in Claudia’s artworks. Every time I take a closer look, there is something new that catches my eye and keeps me wondering. I find each piece invokes a deep emotion.



Embarking on this artwork with lots of images and words in my mind, I quickly realized during the process of painting and repainting it that I entered into a completely new artistic approach. It reminded me that I need to trust the process of the journey that led me to this painting in the end. It is not at all what I first envisioned, but it taught me that sometimes…

it is the journey that teaches us a lot about the destination.

In the bigger picture, in life, all journeys mold us. Sometimes it is only much later that we can understand that everything had to happen exactly as it did to get us what we needed. It takes each and every situation we have encountered to get us where we are now. Have faith and do not look back and think you lost time or expect others to understand your journey, especially when they have never walked your path. But never forget where you have been and look back and remind yourself how many twists and turns you have not just survived, but conquered and grown from...and never take for granted the people who accompanied you.

A Colourful Journey | Abstract Art | 48" x 30"

48" x 30" | 2021 | SOLD

  • abstract paintings

    Melody of New Beginnings

    24" x 30" | 2020 | SOLD

    Never doubt your power to give your life a new direction. New beginnings are full of hope and imagination – so, say ”Yes” to new adventures, new possibilities, and new beginnings!

  • Abstract Painting

    Beneath the Surface

    20” x 20” | 2020 | SOLD

    There is so much beauty within us, which we so often do not see. The most beautiful things are often not visible with our eyes but with our imagination, and can definitely be felt with our hearts.

    “The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.”


Vivid memories

Memories of beautiful moments, visions, daydreams, or glimpses of past events appear in this composition and are vibrant and clear.

Sometimes we need more colour in our lives.

Pay attention, be astonished and be generous with yourself in living a vibrant life.

Dynamic brushstrokes and bright intense colors characterize this expressive painting. The vibrant colour contrasts between turquoise, blue and teal, yellow, rich orange and red make the modern painting shine. The overall composition creates a powerful mood and energy.

Often one layer of paint partly overlays other layers and partly lets them shine through. Overlapping layers of acrylic paint and pigments bring tension and depth to the painting.

Vivid Memories | Abstract Painting | 16" x 20"

16" x 20" | 2020 | SOLD


“None of us knows what might happen even the next minute, yet still we go forward.

Because we trust. Because we have faith.”

Paulo Coelho

It is hard to let go and embark into unknown territories. Surrender your attachment to the known, take all your courage and make that first step to conquer the unknown. Trust yourself, and don’t let fear hold you back and you will see it as a ‘sea of endless possibilities’.

Embarking | Abstract Art | 12" x 12"

12" x 12" | 2020 | SOLD

  • Deep in Thought abstract paintings

    Deep in Thought

    10" x 10” | 2020 | SOLD

  • Crossing the Lines abstract painting

    Crossing the Lines

    10" x 10" | 2020 | SOLD

  • Always Together | Abstract Art | 8" x 8"

    Always Together

    8" x 8" | 2021 | SOLD

Ich habe Claudia persönlich kennengelernt und verfolge ihre Arbeiten seit geraumer Zeit mit großem Interesse. Claudias Werke sind ein Ausdruck ihrer Suche und ständigen Weiterentwicklung, die sie mit Wahrhaftigkeit und viel Energie verfolgt. Sie vermag es, Emotionen und Erfahrungen in tief berührende Bilder umzusetzen, die durch ihre Farbkraft in den Bann ziehen, und in ihrer Authentizität Zeugnis ablegen von einem bewegten Lebensweg.

Petra S.

XO brush marks

Le capacità creative e compositive di Claudia sono meravigliose, l'opera stimola l'osservatore alla ricerca del sublime, nei dettagli e nelle linee che formano il dipinto. Un viaggio dell'anima attraverso il colore.

Mauro D.

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with SoulArt

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