A Heartfelt Thank you to All of my Amazing Collectors!

I want to express my profound gratitude to both my new and previous collectors, for recently welcoming my abstract artworks into their homes. While a simple thank you might sometimes seem insufficient, please know that my gratitude is filled with an unlimited amount of love and deep appreciation!

Each time one of my artworks finds its forever home, I am filled with a profound sense of honour and joy that touches me deeply. 

It's a testament to my belief that art fosters a connection between the viewer and the art, and also with the artist. It speaks to the depths of our souls, sparking emotions, memories and conversations, and ignites imaginations.

I'm excited about the artistic journeys ahead as I embark on a new chapter in my life, and I can't wait to share more adventures with you in the future.

With warm regards and deep gratitude,

Claudia XO Signature

Benvenuti in Italia!


Giving Back with Art